

Excluded commits 2630fe1 and 8a6d7c0 which are new features.

@simonmichal, @abh3 Please let me know if there's anything else that should be removed (i.e. things that should wait for a 5.6 release). Given the number of commits, it may make sense to go for a feature release instead of a patch release, what do you think? In that case, for 5.6, I would like to try to merge the histories with `git merge` such that the tag for v5.6.0 is actually in the linear history of the master branch, then `stable-5.6.x` branches off of there. This is to make `git describe` give more reasonable descriptions of commits on the `master` branch (try `git describe` on `master` and `stable-5.5.x`). When I rebase master on
the branch of this PR, I get the output below (compare with what current `github/master` shows instead).
epsftws xrootd $ git describe master
epsftws xrootd $ git describe github/master
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

-- Commit Summary --

  * [Docs] Update release notes for 5.5.0.
  * Address some warnings from Doxygen
  * [Server] Avoid SEGV when client issues an invalid sequence.
  * Fix a bug in xrootdfs reported by issue #1777
  * [XrdCl] Introduce new error code for handling local errors.
  * [XrdCl] Allow to create mock sockets for testing.
  * [XrdCl] copy job: fix memory leak (buffers not queued on error).
  * [XrdCl] local file handler: obtain error code with aio_error.
  * [Apps] Avoid SEGV when asking for help.
  * [XrdCl] Avoid redundant err msgs.
  * [XrdCl] Sanitize ls entry.
  * [Docs] Update release notes for 5.5.1.
  * [CI] Publish ubuntu jammy artifacts.
  * [CI] Publish ubuntu jammy artifacts, part2.
  * [XrdCl] Update tests (errLocalError).
  * XrdHttp: allow VO names with spaces and other quoted chars
  * [XrdHttp] The server certificate is renewed by the Refresh thread of the XrdTlsContext object
  * [CI] Replace cc7 builds with centos 7, part 1.
  * [Server] Add O_RDWR open flag when creating file to avoid fs issue.
  * [CI] Replace cc7 builds with centos 7, part 2.
  * [CI] Replace cc7 builds with centos 7, part 3.
  * [CI] Replace cc7 builds with centos 7, part 4.
  * [XrdTls] The CRL refresh thread logic only starts if there is a CA file/directory set or if the server certificate has been changed
  * [CMake] add ENABLE_ switch for scitokens and macaroons, closes #1728.
  * [XrdTls] The start of the CRLRefresh thread is now triggered in the constructor of the XrdTlsContext class
  * [XrdTlsContext] Free the SSL Context when a new one is going to be used to generate the session
  * [XrdTlsContext] Remove the flag to start the CRL refresh thread from the constructor
  * [XrdTlsSocket] Shutdown the socket if a SSL error happens when trying to accept a connection
  * [XrdTlsContext] Changed the bit set for the activation of the Refresh thread
  * [XrdTls] The tlsca 'refresh' directive in the configuration file is now taken into account for
  * [Docs] Update release notes for 5.5.1.
  * [XrdCl] LocalFileHandler: be more robust in case PostMaster initialization failed, closes #1797.
  * [Docs] Update release notes for 5.5.1.
  * [XrdCeph] Update submodule.
  * [XrdCl] xrdcp: pass authz token with stat preceding copy.
  * [XrdHttp + XrdHttpExtHandler] Fixes a segmentation fault happening when a client sends a first line starting with a space
  * [XrdCl] AsyncRawReader: correctly trigger discard logic.
  * [Server] Properly handle opaque info for fsctl operations.
  * [Docs] Update release notes for 5.5.1.
  * [XrdHttpTPC] TPC-Pull: passing the source file size information to the OFS layer via opaque parameter "oss.asize"
  * [Docs] Update release notes for 5.5.1.
  * [CMake] Make switches for server-only options dependent on XRCL_ONLY=FALSE
  * Merge pull request #1805 from amadio/issue-1804
  * [XrdCl] xrdcp: extended # of parallel copy jobs to 128.
  * update PreReleaseNotes.txt
  * Update notes on xrdcks patch.
  * Update notes on create fix for certain filesystems (e.g. Weka).
  * Update notes on recet rash of comits.
  * Update notes on opaque info patch, solves authz fsctl failures.
  * [Docs] Sync release notes.
  * Implement XrdSciTokensHelper interface for macaroons.
  * Check all sizes (8, 16, 32, 64) in <atomic> check
  * Update notes on crmode directive.
  * [Server] Make sure Mkdir returns a negative code for an EEXIST error
  * Update notes on Mkdir return code change
  * [XrdHttpTPC] Fixes the HTTP TPC PULL transfer issue when authentication is necessary to perform a transfer
  * [CMake] Drop setting of CMP0054 policy to OLD behavior
  * [CMake] Fix warnings due to package name mismatches in find modules
  * [CMake] Use upstream FindOpenSSL.cmake
  * Replace usage of deprecated egrep command with grep -E
  * [CI] Skip step to upgrade wheel for Python 2.x
  * [CI] Explicitly set clang/clang++ as C/C++ compilers for macOS
  * [CI] Use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to simplify finding openssl 3 on macOS
  * [CI] Perform a local installation of Python bindings for testing on Mac
  * [XrdTls] Replace "#ifdef HAVE_TLS" with a version-based check
  * [XrdEc] Fix build errors due to -Werror=pessimizing-move
  * [Python] Avoid crash during prepare call (#1810)
  * [Python] Typo on FileSystem module methods
  * [Xrd] Fix a short writev recovery case
  * Update release notes on new gsi option.
  * [Server] Correct formatting when displaying the SecEntity structure.
  * Update notes on formatting fix.
  * [Apps] Cleanup xrdcp help information.
  * Update notes on xrdcp cleanup.
  * [XrdCl] Be sure to only read the header of kXR_status messages at first
  * [XrdCl] Ensure URL::GetChannelId returns an Id which can be parsed again as a url
  * [XrdCl] test: add mock socket.
  * Update
  * xrootd: fix missing byteswap.h error on MacOS build with gcc
  * fix typo s/Threashold/Threshold/
  * [XrdApps] Fix small memory leak
  * Update notes on patch for missing delete.Update notes on patch for missing delete.
  * feat: Use setuptools over setuptools._distutils.core
  * chore: Remove check for setuptools over distutils
  * [Python] Show install command and error out when pip install fails
  * [XrdClHttp] Link against XrdUtils for XrdOucCRC::Calc32C symbol
  * [CI] Fix typo in build step names
  * [CI] Install into /usr on Ubuntu build instead of /usr/local
  * [CI] Fix Ubuntu build on GitHub Actions

-- File Changes --

    M .github/workflows/build.yml (59)
    M .gitlab-ci.yml (2)
    M CMakeLists.txt (5)
    M bindings/python/CMakeLists.txt (19)
    M bindings/python/libs/client/ (8)
    M bindings/python/ (24)
    M bindings/python/src/ (8)
    M bindings/python/src/ (9)
    M bindings/python/src/PyXRootDFileSystem.hh (2)
    R cmake/FindCppUnit.cmake (2)
    M cmake/FindKerberos5.cmake (2)
    D cmake/FindOpenSSL.cmake (136)
    M cmake/FindReadline.cmake (2)
    R cmake/Findlibuuid.cmake (4)
    R cmake/Findsystemd.cmake (0)
    M cmake/XRootDDefaults.cmake (4)
    M cmake/XRootDFindLibs.cmake (61)
    M cmake/XRootDSystemCheck.cmake (12)
    M docs/PreReleaseNotes.txt (103)
    M docs/ReleaseNotes.txt (120)
    M (8)
    M packaging/debian_scripts/ (2)
    M packaging/ (6)
    M src/Xrd/ (4)
    M src/Xrd/XrdLink.hh (16)
    M src/Xrd/XrdLinkCtl.hh (10)
    M src/Xrd/ (2)
    M src/Xrd/XrdTcpMonPin.hh (2)
    M src/XrdApps/ (2)
    M src/XrdApps/XrdClRecordPlugin/XrdClRecorder.hh (2)
    M src/XrdApps/ (86)
    M src/XrdApps/XrdCpConfig.hh (6)
    M src/XrdCeph (2)
    M src/XrdCks/XrdCksLoader.hh (2)
    M src/XrdCks/XrdCksWrapper.hh (2)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClArg.hh (8)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClAsyncHSWriter.hh (1)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClAsyncPageReader.hh (6)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClAsyncRawReader.hh (2)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClChannel.hh (7)
    M src/XrdCl/ (7)
    M src/XrdCl/ (14)
    M src/XrdCl/ (4)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClFile.hh (5)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClFileOperations.hh (8)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClFileStateHandler.hh (1)
    M src/XrdCl/ (10)
    M src/XrdCl/ (93)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClLocalFileHandler.hh (13)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClLog.hh (2)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClMetalinkRedirector.hh (2)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClOperationHandlers.hh (12)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClOperations.hh (16)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClPostMasterInterfaces.hh (3)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClSocket.hh (17)
    M src/XrdCl/ (1)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClStatus.hh (1)
    M src/XrdCl/ (2)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClXCpCtx.hh (2)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClXCpSrc.hh (2)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClXRootDMsgHandler.hh (9)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClXRootDResponses.hh (11)
    M src/XrdCl/ (19)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClZipArchive.hh (1)
    M src/XrdCl/XrdClZipOperations.hh (2)
    M src/XrdClHttp/CMakeLists.txt (2)
    M src/XrdCms/XrdCmsUtils.hh (2)
    M src/XrdEc/XrdEcRedundancyProvider.hh (8)
    M src/XrdEc/XrdEcStrmWriter.hh (2)
    M src/XrdEc/XrdEcThreadPool.hh (2)
    M src/XrdEc/XrdEcUtilities.hh (2)
    M src/XrdEc/XrdEcWrtBuff.hh (6)
    M src/XrdFfs/ (2)
    M src/XrdHttp/ (3)
    M src/XrdHttp/ (17)
    M src/XrdHttp/XrdHttpProtocol.hh (3)
    M src/XrdHttp/ (16)
    M src/XrdMacaroons/ (9)
    M src/XrdMacaroons/ (131)
    M src/XrdMacaroons/XrdMacaroonsAuthz.hh (20)
    M src/XrdMacaroons/export-lib-symbols (1)
    M src/XrdNet/XrdNetCache.hh (2)
    M src/XrdNet/XrdNetIF.hh (4)
    M src/XrdNet/XrdNetMsg.hh (6)
    M src/XrdNet/XrdNetUtils.hh (15)
    M src/XrdOfs/ (1)
    M src/XrdOfs/XrdOfsCPFile.hh (4)
    M src/XrdOfs/XrdOfsConfigPI.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOfs/ (8)
    M src/XrdOfs/ (2)
    M src/XrdOfs/XrdOfsPrepare.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOss/XrdOss.hh (26)
    M src/XrdOss/ (2)
    M src/XrdOss/XrdOssAt.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOss/ (2)
    M src/XrdOss/XrdOssStatInfo.hh (56)
    M src/XrdOss/XrdOssWrapper.hh (21)
    M src/XrdOssCsi/XrdOssCsiTagstoreFile.hh (12)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucBackTrace.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucBuffer.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucCRC.hh (4)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucCache.hh (24)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucERoute.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucErrInfo.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucFileInfo.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucGMap.hh (10)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucGatherConf.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucPgrwUtils.hh (4)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucPinKing.hh (8)
    M src/XrdOuc/ (12)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucUtils.hh (2)
    M src/XrdOuc/XrdOucVerName.hh (2)
    M src/XrdPosix/XrdPosixCache.hh (6)
    M src/XrdPosix/XrdPosixXrootd.hh (3)
    M src/XrdPss/XrdPss.hh (2)
    M src/XrdRmc/XrdRmc.hh (100)
    M src/XrdSec/ (2)
    M src/XrdSec/XrdSecInterface.hh (14)
    M src/XrdSec/XrdSecProtect.hh (4)
    M src/XrdSecsss/XrdSecsssID.hh (6)
    M src/XrdServer.cmake (1)
    M src/XrdSfs/XrdSfsGPFile.hh (4)
    M src/XrdSfs/XrdSfsInterface.hh (48)
    M src/XrdSsi/XrdSsiLogger.hh (4)
    M src/XrdSsi/XrdSsiRequest.hh (4)
    M src/XrdSsi/XrdSsiResponder.hh (2)
    M src/XrdSsi/XrdSsiService.hh (8)
    M src/XrdSsi/XrdSsiShMap.hh (4)
    M src/XrdSys/XrdSysLogPI.hh (2)
    M src/XrdSys/XrdSysLogger.hh (2)
    M src/XrdSys/XrdSysXAttr.hh (2)
    M src/XrdTls/XrdTls.hh (4)
    M src/XrdTls/ (152)
    M src/XrdTls/XrdTlsContext.hh (12)
    M src/XrdTls/ (11)
    M src/XrdTls/XrdTlsSocket.hh (2)
    M src/XrdTpc/ (34)
    M src/XrdTpc/XrdTpcState.hh (28)
    M src/XrdTpc/ (117)
    M src/XrdTpc/XrdTpcTPC.hh (4)
    M src/XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdBridge.hh (12)
    M src/XrdXrootd/ (2)
    M src/XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdFile.hh (12)
    M src/XrdXrootd/XrdXrootdGPFile.hh (2)
    M src/XrdXrootd/ (30)
    M tests/XrdClTests/ (4)
    M tests/XrdClTests/ (85)

-- Patch Links --

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