

Hi all,

I've been looking at running raw larnd-sim output files Matt K. put on NERSC (not the new ndlar_flow format) through larnd2supera and was recently running into issues with t0-getting. Yifan implemented a fix in larpix_readout_parser that I've now implemented into larnd2supera, but unfortunately now I'm running into another issue with the trackid2idx array getting out-of-bounds values. Not yet sure why this is happening, much less how to fix it, but it's under investigation. Once that's figured out, moving onto the new ndlar_flow format should (fingers crossed) be as simple as pointing to a new path in the HDF5 files.

As far as CAFs and the H5 writer goes, I've unfortunately not looked into either yet. But I'm trying to wrap up some short-to-medium term projects on other experiments so that I can focus more on this going forward.
From: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Drielsma, Francois <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 8:29 AM
To: dunend-simreco-technical <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [CANCELLED] DUNE-ND Weekly ML Meeting

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Hello everyone,

Due to the ongoing ICARUS collaboration meeting I’m taking part in, let’s cancel this week’s meeting.

I’d like to follow up with some of you on the following pressing matters (please answer on Slack or by email if your name appears below):

  *   Kazu, Jeremy: Was any progress made towards fixing the PPN labeling? This issue noticeably affects shower aggregation (and potentially interaction aggregation) and it would be very good to fix it
  *   Andrew, YiFan: With the fix in place, were you able to convert and label the 2x2 larnd-sim files to LArCV? Is so, what’s currently holding us up?
  *   Francois (I’ll reach out to myself): Fix PID/primary labeling to accommodate edep-sim `process_name` scheme
  *   Sindhu, Jeremy, Andrew (already in touch on Slack): Take a look a the h5 file and determine what’s missing for CAF making, take a look at the current CAFMaker and adapt it.



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