

 This is the first mailing to a new list [log in to unmask] You
should have received notification that you have been added to it. It was
seeded with a small group of those currently active. The list is
intended to foster a web archived discussion on LCD simulations -
status, problems, fixes etc. It will get wider announcement later next

 There is a link to the list and archive from our LCD web (the mailbox
at the bottom of the left panel on the home page).

 In December, we had promised upgrades to the Gismo geometry package to
allow tapered arbitrarily placed tracking/VTX layers and endcap disks.
Plus endplates for the TPC. These are all in place now. We need to set
up the S & L geometries and run off some many hundreds of events to
verify the code. Then tar it up for distribution.

 The other major effort has been the fastMC. This has endured some
mission creep and changes of directions. The calorimetry simulation is a
fair bit more involved than the Snowmass version and the tracking folks
have radically changed their track parametrization scheme. The first
version of the calorimeter smear is close to ready and the tracking
smear is being refurbished now.

 I am hoping we'll have the Gismo code verified and shippable early next
week. Note that no Linux debugging has happened yet.

 I'm hoping the fastMC first version will be out by the middle to end of
next week. It will undergo major overhaul when the rush is over!

 So, please use this list to air suggestions, problems and solutions.
Use meaningful subject lines, since that is how the web archives will be

Richard Dubois
SLD, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
[log in to unmask]
650-926-2923 (FAX)