

Dear Colleague,

    We have been asked to organize the Interaction Region (including
gamma-gamma) sessions at the upcoming international Linear Collider
Workshop, to be held at Sitges, Spain, April 28- May 5, 1999.  The
conference web site, at:
has the preliminary schedule.

    The IR group (D2) has been allotted two 2 hour sessions: 8:30-10:30
and 11:00-13:00 on Friday April 30.  The IR plenary talk is 9:30-10:15
on Tuesday, May 4.  There is some time allowed in the schedule on
Saturday evening 17:00-19:00 for extra meetings.  A preliminary agenda
for the conference is required by February 20, 1999.

    This mailing is a request that you communicate immediately with your

regional coordinator (one of the signatories listed below) if you plan
to attend the workshop and would like to speak in the interaction region

parallel session. Note that the conference will have only two parallel
sessions meeting at any given time; in our case the other working group
is D1 (Monte Carlo, Simulations, and Tools).  Please include your talk
title and an estimate of the time required.  If the work is new to the
coordinator, please include a short abstract.

    Depending on your response to this mailing, four hours may not be
sufficient to allow for all the presentations desired.  In that case, we

may need to institute some short of mini-plenary format and ask speakers

to summarize all the work occurring under given topic headings.  The
current list of potential topic headings, which by itself would probably

saturate four hours of talks, includes:
- e+e- pairs
- Neutrons from dumps and masks
- Hadron production
- Machine backgrounds: SR (with collimation depth, SR masks, and
   aperture issues),   plus muon backgrounds and beam-gas and
   thermal photon backgrounds.
-Ground Motion and Feedback
-Instrumentation, including
       measurement of luminosity, polarization, and energy
-JLC IP Layout/Issues
-NLC IP Layout/Issues
-TESLA IP Layout/Issues
-CLIC IP Layout/Issues
-GAMMA/GAMMA IP Layout/Issues

    So, in summary, please contact your coordinator IMMEDIATELY if you
plan to actively participate in the IR group at Sitges.

        Your colleagues,

- Tom Markiewicz    [log in to unmask]   1  - 650 - 926 - 2668
- Olivier Napoly        [log in to unmask]         49  - 40    89
98 49 09
- Toshiaki Tauchi      [log in to unmask]                81  - 298 -
