

Dear Colleagues,

The Asian component of the `World-Wide Study' will be meeting at KEK
on March 17-18.  Here is the announcement.

This group would very much like to schedule a talk on the structure of our
full-simulation study.  I have asked the usual suspects, but did not get 
a postive response.  If anyone who feels equipped to give this talk would
like to travel to KEK for this meeting, please get in touch with me.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:55:22 +0900 (JST)
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: ACFA Working Group meeting in March

Dear Colleague,

As announced earlier,  the general group meeting of the ACFA Joint Linear Collider 
Physics/Detector Working group will be held in March 17(Wed) and 18(Thu).
We have open the web page for this meeting at

The meeting will include parallel sessions of physics and detector
sub-groups and plenary session for status report.  

For the meeting preparation, the local organizing group is set up
by following people:

  Iwata, Seigi ( Chair, KEK)
  Komamiya Sachio (ICEPP, Exp)
  Matsui, Takayuki (KEK, Exp) 
* Miyamoto, Akiya (Meeting Secretariat, KEK)
  Okada, Yasuhiro (KEK, Theory)

The agenda of the meeting will be prepared by the local group discussing with 
conveners of each subgroup.

If you are planning to attend the meeting, please register from the page at
or return the following form to [log in to unmask] as soon as possible.

First name           ________________
Middle name, if any. ________________
Last name            ________________
Institute            ________________
E-Mail address       ________________

Sub-group meeting which you plan to attend:
__ Higgs 
__ Supersymmetry
__ Other new particles
__ Top physics
__ QCD, TwoPhoton physics
__ Electroweak, strong gauge coupling

__ Vertex detector
__ Tracking
__ Particle ID
__ Calorimetry
__ Muon detector
__ Data aquisition and electronics

Collider-detector relations:
__ e-e-/e-gamma/gamma-gamma options
__ Interaction regions/Background

__ Simulations and MC generators

If you'd like to present your activity at the sub-group meeting,
please write TITLE, ABSTRAACT, SUBGROUP, and amount of the TIME you need.

Do you need accommodation ?  __ Yes __ No
If yes, the period of your stay ? 
        From the night of March ____
        to the morning of March ____

Meeting secretariat:
Akiya Miyamoto
E-mail: [log in to unmask]