

Dear Colleges:

At North American Linear Collider simulation meeting (Feb 15-16)  at  Fermilab,
we have the following talks related to SUSY:

(1) Howie Baer
	ISAJET V7.42 (including beamstrahlung + exact 3-body matrix)

(2) Hitoshi Yamamoto
	Analysis of slepton NLSP case in Gauge-Mediate SUSY model
		==> Connection with TOF, dE/dX, Cerencov detector designs

(3) Teruki Kamon (with Y. Kato, M. Nojiri, and K. Fujii)
	Analysis of stau NLSP case in MSSM/SUGRA
		==> Connection with JLC type detector (or Large detector design
		    in NLC group)

(4) David Wagner (U. of Colorado group)
	Analysis of selectron pair production
		==> Connection with calorimeter design

At this moment, these 4 are the candidates for "simulation" talkes at the  SUSY
parallel session from North America at Sitges.   SUSY W.G. organizers  have  to
send the list of talks (and speakers) by Feb. 20 to the local organizer of LC99.
Therefore, we would like to have an internal list of possible talks by  Feb. 17
(as requested in e-mail dated on Feb 3).

Please send e-mail to us ASAP if you would like to give a talk.

        Mihoko M. Nojiri   (theory consultant)   [log in to unmask]
        Teruki Kamon       (America)             [log in to unmask]
        TBA                (Asia)
        Stavros Katsanevas (Europe)              [log in to unmask]

We will start selecting speakers from Feb 18.  If any two (or more) talks have
a common topic, we might ask one person to cover them.  Although we  have  one
representative from each of 3 regions, the  talks  are  not  necessary  to  be
regionally partitioned.  Collaborative works are also welcome.

