

RootApps version 3.0 was released yesterday and is now available as a
zip file (unix only) from the LCD simulations zip page:
(also reachable by following the link "Code Availability (zips)" on 
the LCD navigation panel).

As in version 2.0, this version includes only sources and makefiles
suitable for Solaris; it should be possible to adjust the makefiles for 
other flavors of unix.

For instructions on how to unpack, see the READMEinstall, also available
from the zips page.  Once unpacked, each subfacility has a doc directory
containing a text file describing the subfacility.  Most also have a sample 
Root macro or two.

New features available in 3.0 include

    * MCdiag class for generating single-particle stdHEP events
    * shareable version of FullRecon, runnable from interactive Root.

                                LCD Root Folk (Rob, Richard, Joanne)