

HI Tony,
	I have  a few questains to ask you :		
	I tried using one of the files from the STDHEP EvT files that you
put in the upenn server and i could not run the files. IT throws an
Exception ie vector enumeration. I donot know how to run those files.

	I am trying to get the out put on the screen and used the
System.out.println() command , the code compiled with out problems but the
output did not appear on the screen.
	CAn i use the command DumpParticleHierarchy() to get the hierarchy
of a particle ? i tried using it but it gave me an error when i was trying
to compile the code.
	When i use the command getDaughters() it returns an output for
some particles and for others it throws out an exception ie java analysis
exception, i tried try and catch to get aroud it but failed. Is there a
way to get around it ?	

	When i delete a histogram form the code and put in a new one it
still shows the old histogram and the new one is no were to be seen, i
have to start a new job to see the new histogram, is there a way around
this problem?
	If i change the code and compile a couple of times then after some
time it throws an error Java-Lang. Exception. i have to close it and start
all over again . IS there a reson why this happens.