


  I have my latest particle identification code in my examples directory


and off my home page http:://

*** WARNING *** This code uses a non-standard tracking package and
orthogonal objects (called XXX) in place of ReconstructedTrack's. In the
reconstruction these objects replace standard tracks to allow running on
remote servers. Their list, XXXList, is written to the event and read
back in doing the track-cluster association. Lines using standard
tracking are commented out.

  The various classes are:

  XXXParticleID  - Ties into Monte Carlo analysis and drives different
identification processes, just the TrackClusterAssociator for now.

  XXXTrackClusterAssociator - Uses space angle difference between
clusters and extrapolated track points in deciding to perform helical
extrapolation to cluster (Note: You could remove the test and
extrapolate each track for each cluster). It presently uses the weighted
cluster position (called "Interact" in the code) in making associations.
Code for testing associations based on inner radial location of clusters
(called "Found" in code) is presently commented out. Associations are
made based on dRTheta and dRPhi cuts of 2-5-10 cm depending on EM or
HAD, see "Assoc" folder histograms.

  XXXSimpleAnlParticleID - Has comparisons of reconstruction with Monte
Carlo truth.

*** WARNING *** This code is NOT well designed and has many quick and
dirty implementations.


P.S. The non-standard tracking classes are in XTrackReco.tar off my home