

Peace, my name is Andre' McNeill, from Purdue University.  I am working with
Dave Koltick at Purdue University, on simulating the Muon-Electron calorimeter.
I am running detector analysis with JAS on the PC, specifically examining muon 
products of the electron-positron collision.  I need to know

Is it possible for you to generate a pymbs-mu-250.lcd data file (pythia with 
beamstrahlung) with about 5000 or so muon events


given a NLC initial luminosity of 5E33 events/cm^2, a cross section for
e+e- -> mu+mu- of 21 nb/ Energy(GEV)^2, Beam Energy of 250 GEV and a run time 
of 1 year, and depreciation the luminosity by a factor of 10 to compensate for 
beam downtime and testing during the year, we expect the rate to be 
approximately 4000 events/year.  I need this many event so examine the optical
abberations of measuring the muon trajectories due to materials in the

Or is it possible to get a template program to run a generator program with
JAS that will allow us to generate this many ee->mumu events?

I tried installing the PYBMS package on our AIX machine here and it did
not work, it is missing references to hbook type commands and so forth,
(perhaps we need to update our cern/lib?)

Thank you for your time.  Peace.