

Hi Andre, we dont have 5000 events right now, but we can probably generate
some for you this week.


----- Original Message -----
From: Andre C. McNeill <[log in to unmask]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 12:48 PM
Subject: ee-mutau data or generator

> Peace, my name is Andre' McNeill, from Purdue University.  I am working
> Dave Koltick at Purdue University, on simulating the Muon-Electron
> I am running detector analysis with JAS on the PC, specifically examining
> products of the electron-positron collision.  I need to know
> Is it possible for you to generate a pymbs-mu-250.lcd data file (pythia
> beamstrahlung) with about 5000 or so muon events
> Rationale:
> given a NLC initial luminosity of 5E33 events/cm^2, a cross section for
> e+e- -> mu+mu- of 21 nb/ Energy(GEV)^2, Beam Energy of 250 GEV and a run
> of 1 year, and depreciation the luminosity by a factor of 10 to compensate
> beam downtime and testing during the year, we expect the rate to be
> approximately 4000 events/year.  I need this many event so examine the
> abberations of measuring the muon trajectories due to materials in the
> detector.
> Or is it possible to get a template program to run a generator program
> JAS that will allow us to generate this many ee->mumu events?
> I tried installing the PYBMS package on our AIX machine here and it did
> not work, it is missing references to hbook type commands and so forth,
> (perhaps we need to update our cern/lib?)
> Thank you for your time.  Peace.